Hello! We are back with New Traditions: Breaking the Tradition with the First Look.
Superstition states that the bride and groom shouldn’t see each other until the ceremony. And, for many couples they stick to this tradition and that’s great and perfectly fine. But, sometimes it’s okay and fun to break tradition. Here’s why we love the first look and think you should consider it for your special day. First of all, it’s more intimate and a way for you and your (future) spouse to get to see each other with no one else around -well except us of course-.
We’re able to capture this pure unadulterated scene between the two of you and it lends itself to amazing pictures the two of you will cherish for years to come. With a first look the possibilities for different angles and perspectives are opened up. When, a couple does not do a first look we only have one shot to get a reaction and sometimes that reaction you were hoping for doesn’t happen. A first look allows us to get pictures of you spinning your spouse, hugging them, and kissing them.